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Various Natural Lip Moisturizer Options that are Easy to Obtain

If you feel that your lips are still dry even though you have used lip balm, there are several natural ways you can do to help keep the lips moisturized. Some of the following natural ingredients can be obtained and used easily at home. Lips are a part of the body that easily loses moisture. Dry lips can not only interfere with appearance, but also can cause health complaints, such as chapped lips, to sores and feel pain.

Take advantage of natural lip balm

There are several natural lip balm that can be an option for home use, including:
  • Honey

  • Honey is a natural ingredient that is often included in beauty products. You can even use it directly as a natural lip balm by applying it to your lips.
  • Coconut oil

  • Because it has moisturizing properties, coconut oil is an ingredient that can be used as a natural lip balm. The method is almost the same as honey, which is enough to spread it evenly to the lips. To get the maximum benefit, apply coconut oil to the lips regularly after every shower or cleaning your face.
  • Olive oil

  • Another way that can be done to moisturize the lips is to apply olive oil to the lips. This method is believed to be able to overcome the problem of dry lips because olive oil has moisturizing properties. In addition to applying it directly, you can also use olive oil as a lip scrub to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Simply mix olive oil with a little sugar, then the lip scrub is ready to use.
  • Aloe vera

  • The mineral content, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E found on aloe vera, can provide nutrients to the skin properly. Including helping to keep the lips moist.

Habits That Can Cause Dry Lips

In addition to keeping the lips moisturized with natural lip balm, there are some habits that you should avoid, namely:
  • Licking lips

  • When lips feel dry, many people choose to wet their lips by licking their lips. This is the wrong way because saliva on the lips can actually make the lips become drier than before.
  • Drinking less

  • When the body is not fluid enough, the problem of dry lips and chapped lips can be experienced. It is recommended to increase the consumption of water so that the body remains well hydrated.
  • Use lipstick without applying moisturizer

  • If you have been directly applying lipstick to the lips, it is better to use lip moisturizer first so that lip moisture is maintained. However, it should be noted, lip balm or lip balm containing phenol, menthol, or salicylic acid, should be avoided because it can make the lips dry.
  • Breathing through the mouth

  • The habit of breathing through the mouth should be avoided. Because, this habit can cause lips to become drier.
Natural lip balm is expected to be a solution to help overcome and prevent dry lips. However, if a natural lip balm causes irritation or allergic reactions, stop using it immediately. If necessary, consult a doctor about lip balm or appropriate treatment to deal with and avoid dry lips.
